Monday, April 11, 2011

Download and test our Fishy Bus Reservation System

click on the following link to download our program and test it :

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our program's flow chart and Unified Modeling Language (UML) Diagrams

After testing our program and make sure it is feasible, we decided to show out it's flow chart and UML Diagrams.
                         UML Diagrams
- depart_place[6] : static string
- depart_time[14] : static string
- desti_place[6] : static string
- price[6][6] : static double
- platform[6][6] : static string
- seat[6][6][14] : int
- info[6] : static string
+ setSeat(i : int, j : int, k : int) : void
+ incrementSeat(i : int, j : int, k : int) : void
+ getDPplace(i : int) : string
+ getDPtime(i : int) : string
+ getDTplace(i : int) : string
+ getPrice(i : int, j : int) : double
+ getPlatform(i : int, j : int) : string
+ getSeat(i : int, j : int, k : int) : int
+ getInfo(i : int) : string
+ infile(bus&) : friend void
+ outfile(bus) : friend void

Our program testing video

This is a video of we testing our Fishy Bus Reservation System program.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Our Poster is available now!

After few days of work on the poster, we finally produced our own poster for Fishy Bus Reservation System!

Cent and Keong were responsible for the poster designing part while Simon was responsible for the content of the poster.

Here is our poster :

Hope you like it!

Friday, April 1, 2011

4th Meeting

Location : Room 315
Date : 1/4/2011
Time : 3.00pm - 4.45pm

Our group leader, Simon called us to gather in his room. He asked our programmer, Cent to start to do the program as every details have been discussed.

Cent started to write the program. Simon and Keong assisted him in program writing. We gave some opinions to Cent.

Cent start to declare the bus class
Using do-while loop in the first interface
The first interface has been displayed
We also started to choose the design for our poster. We are still considering the right design for us. There are a lot of good and nice designs.

The program is still in progress. Check it out soon!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Third Meeting and Group Discussion

Location : KTGB X2 Room 314
Date : 31/3/2011
Time : 11.00am - 12.00pm

We did not have class today. So, we decided to have the third meeting and group discussion.

We continued our discussion with the bus company feature. We felt that it was not necessary to have bus company feature as we develop the system for a bus company.

Besides, we have chosen a list of destinations. Examples of destinations are Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, Malacca, Segamat, Selangor and Johor Bahru.

While for the number of buses provided at Fishy Central, we have vary them by the distance of destinations. Longer distance destination will have fewer buses than shorter distance destination.

Bus departure time is also set. Same thing happened to number platforms needed. We also decided our bus fares according to the destinations.

Our blog new look!